Battambang, Cambodia is famous for its “bamboo railroad.” A local entrepreneur runs “trains” that consist of a bamboo platform on wheels on a stretch of the defunct Phnom Penh to Battambang tracks. Tourists can go on a leisurely ride between two villages through the green countryside. There is only one track, so every time a train comes in the other direction, the drivers take one of them apart to make way. Then they put the other one back together.

There are also several ancient Khmer temples in the countryside. I didn’t realize that two of them were high up on mountains. I had to climb many steps to reach the tops, but the views were spectacular. I visited on a holiday, so I shared the temples with hundreds of Cambodian tourists.

Putting the bamboo railroad back together.
Putting the bamboo railroad back together.

It’s impossible to escape the Khmer Rouge’s legacy when visiting Cambodia. A cave in one of the cliffs was known as the “killing cave,” where thousands of people were thrown to their deaths. There is a shine there now, and a glass case containing the skulls of the victims.

On a happier note, a different cave contains millions of bats. At dusk they start flying out of the cave, a process that takes hours. It was quite an impressive site to see.

Fishing boats on the river.
Fishing boats on the river.
Crossing the bridge.
Crossing the bridge.
Monk on the stairs.
Monk on the stairs.
Cambodian tourist climbing the steps.
Cambodian tourist climbing the steps.
Kids should be playing, not begging. Kids fan people for tips as they climb the steps.
Kids should be playing, not begging. Kids fan people for tips as they climb the steps.
A girls makes an offering in a quiet corner.
A girls makes an offering in a quiet corner.
Grazing water buffalo.
Grazing water buffalo.
I have to climb another mountain?
I have to climb another mountain?
Kids playing among the statues.
Kids playing among the statues.
Meditating metal monks.
Meditating metal monks.
Monks at the temple.
Monks at the temple.
Making papaya salad.
Making papaya salad.
Bats leaving the bat cave.
Bats leaving the bat cave.
I'm Terry, former cubicle-dweller, and now traveler, photographer, writer, and entrepreneur. I quit my job in 2014 to travel to US national parks, then to South East Asia. I write about independent, flexible, long-term, budget travel. Sign up to my newsletter to get the latest news on what I'm up to. I hope you join me on my trek around the world.

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